A dried drop.
We sometimes worry so much about certain things that we blacken our lives. It seems that human beings are naturally pessimistic and that having hope is an act that requires a colossal external force.
By letting go, we realize that the real thing that counts here below is to enjoy the present, which is nothing more than a gift. And yes, we tend to forget that it’s a gift, and at the end of the day, everything is.
Of course, it’s often easier to get words out of your mouth than to live them. That said, it’s all a question of will. When we feel genuine love for ourselves, there are certain practices that we decide to stop for our good.
Continually telling ourselves stories about the past that we can no longer do anything about is a waste of time and energy. Instead, we need to think about the solutions we’ll opt for the next time similar situations arise.
We’re finally getting around to the expression that, although it has become trendy, is still not understood and applied to the letter because we tend to return to our first loves. Ah, that famous comfort! It’s all about letting go, of course.
I took the time to look at these two terms, and I don’t know about you, but I noticed a contradiction exists. How can we manage to ‘let go of something’ and ‘take something’? Well, it’s not easy to do because it’s so paradoxical. Perhaps this is the ultimate reason why our unconscious resists, even though we understand the objective of this state of mind.
I’ll finish by saying that, in the end, it’s all a question of belief and will. Regardless of the wording we hear daily, let us acknowledge why we act the way we do (or not) and what impact this may have on our present and future. The aim, of course, is to be better than yesterday and worse than tomorrow. Let us understand who can.
I dedicate this text to all those who miss the point of certain situations and those who can because they know that each day is a gift from heaven and that nothing ever lasts.
By Jdm.